Seems the weather here can't make up its mind and it is causing lots of sinus turmoil in our family and in many others in this area! One week we will have days in the 70 and nights in the 50's, then the next week the temps won't get out of the 50's during the day and it'll be rainy or cloudy and windy....and nights are in the 30's.
Well, today was one of those cooler day....quite chilly in fact. It is 61 now, but this morning when our home-school group was at the park and it was overcast and breezy (and about 55*), I was so cold! Granted, the longer I live in the south, the wimpier I am becoming in dealing with the cold!! :P Now I think I understand why Dan could never warm up during winters in PA! He grew up in the south and had thin blood. I think it's a conspiracy....he moved me to the south and is keeping me here till my blood thins out and I don't have much of a desire to move back north! ;) Haha! Just kidding!!
This past weekend we had rainfall of epic proportions!! Friday we got 4 1/2", Saturday, 5" and from Sunday till Monday night, another 3 1/2". The rivers are over flood stage (flood stage is 15') and expected to crest tonight or tomorrow near 25' (at least that's the forecast, seems to me they are already falling though)
Friday, we were trying to do school, but at the rate the rain was falling, it was a little distracting....or was that Monday that it rained so hard?? I forget....I think now that maybe it WAS Monday! :)
Anyway, here are pics from Monday....the ditch in front of our house filled up in 1 hours time. The weather alert had went off and said we were in the line of a severe T-storm that was dumping 2" an hour.....and I believe it was close to that!!
I had just wrote on facebook how I was so thankful for a warm dry house! About 15 minutes later, we were finally getting back into doing shcool and I hear.....DRIP....DRIP....DRIP. The kitchen ceiling was leaking! :(
So a bucket to the rescue!! (I caught a drip landing!) :D
Not long after that, I walked back to our bedroom and there was water around the one window. :P So, I laid a towel there to soak up the drips, since a bucket wouldn't fit on the sill.
I was still thankful for a dry, warm house!! :)
About an hour later, the puddle in the driveway and the flooded ditch were about to meet.....they didn't quite accomplish that before the rain slowed down.
This is the creek that runs in the woods between our house and our neighbors house. It is normally about a foot or two across.
That little creeks runs into a larger branch (below) that runs into the Appalachicola River. That's the river you will see on the next few pics. (Normally, you can't see any water in the pic below)
After the rain quit on Monday, we drove to the Blountstown Landing and this is what we saw. It was already about 5 feet above flood stage.
Yesterday I had to go to town, so we ran down by the landing again. The river had rose another 2 feet.
The water is very close to coming into the parking area....
After spending the morning at the park with our home-school friends, we drove down to the landing again and this time, the water had went down a bit.
Just a few weeks ago, Tamara and I were sitting on that bench looking down the creek bank at the river. Now there is no bank to the river! In fact when we went by yesterday, the water was covering the bottom of the bench legs!
I thought this was humorous! :)
This is not the worst Blountstown has seen (I think 1994 was a big flood) but it's def. near the top of the list!!
In other news.....
Danny and I were hit with sinus cr*p Sunday and by Monday I saw big improvements in myself, but Danny was still hacking away. Then Tues. night I got hit with some stomach pain. It was strange and while I'm not sure what it was, my "gut" is telling me that it was a weird stomach bug. I had pain all day Wed. and Thurs.with no other symptoms till last night, it became an issue to get to the bathroom in time when I felt I needed to go. Today I still have been "running" to the bathroom, but the pain seems to be gone. I hope that's all it was and is nothing more serious!! :P BUT, then this morning I had awful sinus pressure and headache again.
I'll be ready to feel better and to have some warmer weather!! :)
Today was Park Day for our home-school group, as I already mentioned......twice in fact! :)
This winter we have been blessed with some beautiful warm days, but those days never land on the same day as park day! In fact, some of the Mom's have been known to burn textbooks to stay warm on Park Day!! ;) (Okay, so they were old public school teacher's books that were going to be thrown away anyhow) :)
Today, I took gloves and an extra blanket to be sure I stayed warm enough....and guess what? I was still freezing!
We do have excellent fellowship and the kids have a great time and that's what really matters!! :)
I am looking forward to staying home and relaxing tonight!! We are watching Lord of the Rings with the kids and are ready for "The Two Towers". That may fit into our evening....
Hope to be back soon. It's been a long break!